
This is "YUM!", my newest creation.


在没有穷尽所有能安全处置核污水的办法之前,如果任由日本政府匆忙而鲁莽地向海洋排放这些核污水,放射性同位素氚、碳14、钴60等放射性物质将会在排放之日起57天内扩散到太平洋大部分海域,并在10年内到达全球所有海洋。 全球无数人的生命和生计将受到严重影响,因为这些放射性物质在数千年内仍然是具有危险性的,更可怕的是它们还有可能造成人类和其他生物基因的损害。

The ocean is the common property of all mankind. However, on 13th April, 2021, with its own best economic interest in mind, the Japanese government unilaterally made an irresponsible decision to discharge more than 1.25 million tonnes of contaminated radioactive wastewater in Fukushima Prefecture into the sea.

Ignoring the stern opposition from the Pacific Rim countries such as China and South Korea, also turning a deaf ear to the strong objections from more than half of its own people in Japan, the Japanese government's reckless decision is trifling with the safety of all human lives, and it's literally going to drop a nuclear bomb to our global marine ecosystem, that is just despicable! If the premature discharge happens, the radioactive substances like radioisotope tritium, carbon-14 and cobalt-60 etc. will spread to most of the Pacific Ocean within 57 days, and reach all oceans of the globe in a decade. Countless lives and livelihoods globally will be severely affected, considering these radioactive substances can remain hazardous for thousands of years with the potential to cause genetic damage.

这是一场非常严重的环境危机。不幸的是,它并没能引起全世界的足够重视,尤其是在西方。在我关注的有关动物和环境保护的国际组织的社交账号里,我只看到绿色和平组织对这个议题发表了一篇帖子,更别提那些平时爱在镜头前大喊"How dare you?!"的环保激进人士了,在这个问题他上们全都一片鸦雀无声。这是怎样的一个离奇世界?

This is a very serious environmental crisis. Unfortunately, it has not attracted enough attention all over the world, especially in the West. So far I only see Greenpeace made a post about this, for the rest of those animal and environmental protection organizations' accounts I follow, none of them speak a word about it. Not to mention those environmental activists who usually love to shout "How dare you?!" in front of the cameras, now they are all silent on this issue. What's going on here?


We might not be able to change climate change in a short amount of time, but we definitely can stop Japan from creating a manmade environmental catastrophe. For the sake of our own future and the future of all other species who are sharing this blue planet with us, people around the world must join hands to condemn and oppose the irresponsible decisions and actions of the Japanese government. This is urgent, every single one of us needs to speak up and raise more people's environmental awareness on this matter. We must stop the Japanese government from dumping contaminated radioactive wastewater into the ocean, and we need to act now!


This is the background of this work. I Hope it gives a deep impression to you. Thank you for viewing.

