It’s been an amazing experience exhibiting at the Amsterdam International Art Fair. Met tons of talented artists, fabulous friends and visitors, plus three of my works find their warm new home.

I’m so happy that a lot people specially came up to me to tell me that they resonate with my works deeply, some of you left me super warm messages on my little red notebook. All your kind words and supports mean so so much to me, they give me strength to keep creating, and showing my visions. Thank you so much!!!

Thank you Global Art Agency for hosting the wonderful Amsterdam International Art Fair 2019. I’m very proud to be an exhibitor of the fair, awesome show!

Oh, I miss the laughters and great chats already. See you next time AIAF! ❤️

今天終於有時間把不久前參加阿姆斯特丹國際藝術展的圖片整理出來了。這是一次非凡的參展經歷: 在阿姆斯特丹最中心最知名的展覽館展出作品,認識了許多超有才華的藝術家和國際一流的策展人,遇見了非常多超棒超友善的觀展者,接受了一家媒體的採訪,荷蘭的朋友專門來看我...啊,最驚喜的是我的三件作品找到了溫暖的新家。展覽就像作業匯報,兩天的開心展期背後有著漫長、枯燥、甚至痛苦掙扎的創作期。我很幸運,在這兩天收穫了讓我持續向前的巨大動力和滿心喜悅。 ️

Amsterdam International Art Fair 2019