当全世界的目光都集中在巴以冲突时,日本则悄咪咪地于10月23日完成了他们第二轮肮脏的核污染水排放计划。从今年8月24日起至今,日本已向全人类的共同财产-海洋,排放了1.5万吨以上的核污染水。如果不加阻拦,在未来长达30年的时间里,日本将源源不绝地持续排放核污染水,力求荼毒地球上的每一条生命,破坏我们赖以生存的全球生态环境。日本这种极其不负责任的行为,成功为自己“kawaii(可爱)”的“盛名”增添了一个全新的含义:“Killing All With Atomic Instrumental Insanity(用疯狂的原子手段毒害所有生命)".

While the world's attention is focused on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, Japan quietly completed their second round of dirty nuclear-contaminated water discharge plans on October 23. This extremely irresponsible behavior of Japan has successfully added a new meaning to its "kawaii" reputation: "Killing All With Atomic Instrumental Insanity".


这幅作品的中文名称是“千古罪人”,英文名称是“Kawaii Sinner"。其创作缘由和目的与两年前我画的“滋味核风拉面”一样,都是谴责和强烈抗议日本这种刻意毒害全人类以及全球海洋生态环境的疯狂行为。

极其可悲的是,全世界对这个事件的关注度却在不断地减弱。有以下的原因,首先,客观事实是日本福岛核污染水中放射性元素对人类健康和全球生态的影响不会立即呈现;第二,有美国为首的西方,以及国际原子能机构在为日本政府的疯狂行为背书;第三,联合国的不作为; 第四,我们处在一个信息爆炸的时代,人们每天都会被各式各样、眼花缭乱、劲爆的信息所包围,人们在同一事件上的关注度难以持久。以上因素都给了日本在全世界众目睽睽之下堂而皇之地、厚颜无耻地对全人类包括他们自己的国民放毒的胆量。

To be clear, what Japan discharges is not nuclear wastewater from normally operating nuclear power plants, but nuclear-contaminated water that was in direct contact with the melted reactor cores in a world's highest-level Level 7 nuclear disaster. It contains a large amount of radioactive elements and will seriously affect human health and the security of the global ecological environment. In order to confuse the public, the Japanese government shamelessly describes the extremely harmful nuclear-contaminated water as nuclear wastewater, or even the so-called "treated water". The truth is, TEPCO's Multi-nuclide Removal Facility (ALPS) cannot remove all radionuclides, and the results of Japan's third round of pre-discharge tests of Fukushima nuclear contaminated water released by TEPCO show that Japan's self-proclaimed tritium-only "treated water" actually contains radionuclides such as carbon-14, cobalt 60, and strontium-90.

Since August 24 this year, Japan has discharged more than 15,000 tons of nuclear-contaminated water into the ocean, the common property of all mankind. Sadly, the world's attention to this matter continues to wane. There are the following reasons: first, the objective fact is that the impact of radioactive elements in Japan’s Fukushima nuclear-contaminated water on human health and global ecology will not be immediately apparent; second, the West, led by the US, and the IAEA are endorsing the insane behavior of the Japanese government; third, the inaction of the United Nations; fourth, we are in an era of information explosion, people are surrounded by all kinds of dazzling and explosive news every single day, and it is difficult for people to focus on one particular matter for a long time in all time. The above factors have given Japan the audacity to brazenly poison all mankind, including their own citizens, in full view of the world.


Some people say that Japan has already discharged two rounds of nuclear-contaminated water, so it's too late to oppose it. It was indeed a bit late, because this was an atrocity that could have been prevented, a tragedy that could have been avoided. But Japan's sick plan will last more than 30 years, what is really "too late"? It's when Japan discharged 15,000 tons of nuclear-contaminated water into the ocean, human beings still do not care and do not wake up, until millions of tons, until human beings begin to get sick in large numbers, until our ocean is completely polluted, until there's no hope to recover, and it will be truly too late...


Looking around the world, China is the country with the loudest and most persistent opposition and the most decisive countermeasures against the Japanese government's extremely irresponsible decision and behavior to discharge nuclear-contaminated water. This is because China is a major country that regards all mankind as a community with a shared future and is responsible for the world. As a Chinese person, I am very proud of my country.

What we need to be wary of is that "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing." Therefore, let us jointly defend the rights and future of mankind and all living beings who share this blue planet with us, persistently and strongly oppose Japan's crazy act of discharging nuclear-contaminated water into the ocean, call on Japan to immediately stop the discharge of nuclear-contaminated water into the ocean, and urge it to discuss with the international community and formulate a responsible and safe treatment plan!

千古罪人 Kawaii Sinner

The reason and purpose I created this new work "千古罪人(Kawaii Sinner)" is the same as the "滋味核风拉面(Yum!)", an illustration I made two years ago, both of them are to condemn and strongly protest Japan’s insane act of deliberately poisoning all mankind and the global marine ecological environment.
