上海博物馆藏有一面西汉时期的青铜透光镜,在镜子的背面有八个字的铭文 “见日之光,天下大明”。 我觉得这八个字能够很好地概括这次全球应对疫情的状态, 善与恶,优与劣,透过新型冠状病毒这面镜子,日光之下,昭然若揭。也由此,我把这幅新作的名字定为 《现形镜》 (Revealing Mirror),来表述我本人站在一名中国艺术人的视角是如何看待这场全球大流行的。







自疫情爆发以来,某些西方政客和媒体为了掩盖自己的无能和险恶动机而大肆编造关于我国的谎言。他们操纵舆论,散播政治病毒,煽动对中国和中国人民的种族仇恨。当时我写下以下段落的初衷就是为了发表在国外的社交平台上,用以抨击他们的种种丑恶行径。因为面对的是国外的读者,所以在遣词及内容上,会和中文解析有些许不同。举个例子,我们中国人都懂得白菊花的寓意,但对于不了解中华文化的外国读者,我就需要明确解释 “如果你恰巧熟悉中国文化,你会对这幅作品有更深一层的理解。比如说,在中国,白菊花代表着对逝者的哀悼。”



2. 面对疫情,一个负责任政府的首要任务始终都应该是拯救生命,不是选举,不是股票,不是甩锅,不是操纵舆论,更不是干涉别国内政。


--- 2018年12月18日, 习近平在庆祝改革开放40周年大会上的讲话


Revealing Mirror

As a Chinese artist, this pandemic has completely changed my perspective of our world. Perhaps our world has always been like this, I was just too naive to see the truth in the past. It's truly an eye opening experience to see how certain western politicians and media can continuously fabricate lies about my country. Targeting China, manipulating public opinion and inciting racial hatred against China and Chinese, all these just to cover their own incompetence, wow.

With this new perspective, I created this work “Revealing Mirror”. To me, COVID-19 is like a magic mirror that reveals the true nature of everything. Good and evil, brightness and darkness, they all emerge from this difficult time. “Revealing Mirror” is like a puzzle game, if you look closer you could always find new surprises. And if you happen to be familiar with Chinese culture, you will have an even deeper understanding of this work. An example, white chrysanthemums represent mourning for the deceased in China.

I’m not going to explain too much of this new creation, because the message is clear. However, I do have certain points to make through “Revealing Mirror”:

1.In a pandemic, the No.1 priority of a responsible government should always be saving lives, not election, stocks, shirking responsibility, manipulating public opinion, and definitely not interfering other countries’ internal affairs.

2.Our world has 195 countries; certain western countries don’t represent the whole world. For the same reason, western civilization is also not a universal value. So an advice for some western politicians and media, stop using “democracy”, “freedom”, “human rights” as a cover to push your dirty hegemonism, neo-interventionism and colour revolutions into other civilizations that might have a much longer history than yours. No one needs your “enthusiastic” “preaching”, respect that and mind your own business.

"China is a vast country with over 5000 years of history and a huge population. There is no manual to which we can refer in promoting reform and development, neither do we have any need for condescending instructors to lecture our people."

December 18, 2018, Xi Jinping's speech at the 40th Anniversary Conference on reform and opening up

3.We mankind is a community who has a shared future. A safe and promising future will only come when we closely work with each other. Racism, xenophobia, ultra-nationalism, unilateralism will only lead to catastrophic consequences.

Though the world we are living in right now is chaotic and divided, my wish for a safe, prosperous and peaceful future has never changed. World peace is not a myth or impossible, if people can put down their arrogance and prejudice, see each other as an equal, respect our differences and continue working with each other like brothers and sisters, we can achieve that.

Revealing Mirror
