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欧洲当代艺术馆近期出版了一本名为《艺术收藏家之选——第三卷中国版》的画册,很开心我有两幅画作被收录在其中,更让我惊喜的是我的《虎妹粤剧团》被选印在了扉页作为画册重点推荐的作品。要感谢当代艺术馆让我的作品有机会传播到世界更广的范围,如透过我的画能让世界上更多的人认识中国传统粤剧文化之美,我会深感荣幸。当“中国广州” 四字醒目地印刷在一本欧洲画册上,作为一名中国广州市的市民,我感觉无比自豪!

Contemporary Art Station recently published an Art Book titled "The Art Collector's Choice-Volume 3 China Edition". I am very happy that two of my works have been featured in it, and what makes me more surprised is that my illustration "Cantonese Opera Troupe of The Tiger Sisters" was selected as the title page as a key recommended work of the Art Book.

I would like to thank Contemporary Art Station sincerely for giving me the opportunity to show my art to a wider range of the world. I would be honored if my work can inspire more people around the world to learn about the beauty of Traditional Cantonese opera culture in China.

Thank you Contemporary Art Station, it's my great honor to be part of this project!